What's your rate? See current rates and how they are applied to your bill.

Current outage information for the Heart of Texas service area.

Do you need help? A guide to programs that can help you pay your bill.

Learn ways to save energy and money with Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative.

Discover ways to stay safe and prepared with these resources.

What are the current grid conditions? Find out here to monitor ERCOT in real-time.

Learn about the seven cooperative principles that guide us everyday.

Read the latest news, information and special announcement every month in Texas Co-op Power.

On the Calendar

Annual Membership Meeting

Tuesday | October 21, 2025
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office at 1-800-840-2957.

Heart of Texas At-A-Glance



The Cooperative has a membership base that exceeds 18,000



Ever-growing, we service more than 23,000 meters



And we continue to build line as we near 4,000 miles